Potatoes: From Seed to Harvest, It's Easy!
Growing potatoes can be easy if done correctly. In the process, the first step is seeding. Select good potato tubers, soak them in liquid organic fertilizer, and then plant them according to established guidelines. Land preparation is also important, by providing beds, drains, and basic fertilization. After that, plant the potato seedlings at the right distance and at the right time. Plant care also needs to be considered, such as replanting, weeding, pruning flowers, fertilizing, irrigating, and controlling pests and diseases. With intensive care, potato plant growth will be better and yields will be maximized. In the end, potatoes can be harvested when they have reached the right period, characterized by characteristics such as yellow leaves, dry stems, and tuber skins that stick to the flesh. With this simple method, planting potatoes from start to harvest can be done smoothly and produce satisfying results.
Siti Nur Aeni , Sakina Rakhma Diah Setiawan
5/1/20242 min read

1. Fun Seedlings
To start planting potatoes, the first thing we need to do is make the seeds. Well, it's easy to do! Choose good potato tubers, which are about 30-50 grams in size and about 150-180 days old. Make sure the tubers are normal and choose a superior variety. If you want, the tubers can be cut into several parts before planting. Before planting the tubers, soak them in liquid organic fertilizer for a few hours to make them more fertile.
2. Prepare the Land Well
Once the seeds are ready, it's time to prepare the land. Plow the soil to a depth of 30-40 cm, then leave it for two weeks. It's also important to make beds and water channels so that the water can flow smoothly. Don't forget to apply manure a week before planting in the beds. The fertilizer will make the soil more fertile, so the potatoes can grow well.
3. Plant the Seedlings Properly
Now that the soil is ready, it's time to plant the seeds. Simply drop the seedlings into the planting holes. The planting distance is about 80 x 40 cm or 70 x 30 cm. It's best to plant the potatoes when the rainy season is over. So that the plants don't get flooded or overheated.
4. Take Care of the Crop to Make it Better
Potato plants also need to be well cared for so that the harvest is maximized. Well, this plant maintenance can be done in several ways, such as replacing bad plants, pulling the grass that grows around it, cutting unnecessary flowers, fertilizing again, and of course, watering the plants to keep them fresh.
5. Harvest Time is Near!
If your potato plants are growing well, it means that the harvest time is also approaching! Usually, potatoes can be harvested around 90-180 days depending on the type. To know if the potatoes are ready to be harvested, look at the leaves. If the leaves start to turn yellow and the stem is dry, the potatoes are ready to be harvested. Well, the skin of the tuber will also stick to the flesh, and the skin does not come off easily when rubbed. So, if that's the case, it's harvest time!
Editor: Buanergis ACB
Source: https://agri.kompas.com/read/2022/08/27/144506084/cara-menanam-kentang-yang-benar-dari-pembibitan-sampai-panen?page=all