Easy Potato Growing Guide
Easy Potato Growing Guide: This article discusses a practical guide to potato cultivation. First, readers are invited to prepare the land by plowing or hoeing, making beds, and applying basic fertilizer before planting potato seedlings. Next, the stages of planting potato seedlings are explained by selecting healthy tubers, making furrows in the beds, and covering the seedlings with soil. Potato plant care is also discussed, including weeding, watering, and regular fertilization. In addition, pest and disease control strategies are introduced to maintain plant health. Finally, the importance of proper harvest timing to ensure optimal tuber quality is also highlighted in this article.
RimaYanti/BPP Sukasada
4/25/20242 min read
Getting a Good Start
To plant potatoes, the first thing to do is to prepare the soil well. The soil needs to be loosened by plowing or hoeing to a depth of about 30 cm. Make sure the soil is loose enough for plant growth. After that, let the soil dry for a week before making the beds. Beds are made about 80 cm wide, 10 cm high, and the length is adjusted to the land. This helps avoid submerging the plants when it rains.
Feeding Your Plants
Basic fertilizer application is also important. Sprinkle cooked manure evenly over the beds. Use about 20-30 tons per hectare of land. You can also add NPK fertilizer at 300-350 kg per hectare. Cover the fertilizer with soil and leave it for 10-15 days before planting.
Planting Potato Seedlings
When choosing potato seedlings, make sure they are healthy and not affected by diseases. Choose seedlings from old tubers that have strong shoots. There are several types of tubers that are suitable, such as Granola, Cipanas, Atlantik M, Repita, Amabile, and Maglia. To plant the seedlings, make a furrow in the bed and plant the seedlings about 20-30 cm apart. Cover the seedlings with soil to form a mound 15-20 cm high.
Careful Crop Care
Taking care of your potato plants is key to getting a good harvest. Weed when grass and weeds interfere with the plants, usually done when the plants are about 1 and 2 months old. Watering also needs to be done according to the needs of the plants, avoiding the soil being too wet or stagnant. Regular fertilization every 20 days is also important for a bountiful harvest.
Dealing with Pests and Diseases
Pest and disease control needs to be done early on. Some of the pests and diseases that commonly attack potato plants include orong-orong, trips, armyworms, tuber borers, and others. Proper control will help keep the crop healthy.
The Right Harvest Time
Potato plants can be harvested around 80-120 days after planting. Make sure to harvest the crop at the right time, not too young or too old. Proper harvesting will ensure good tuber quality. Harvest carefully to avoid damaging the tubers, especially if the soil is very loose.
Editor: Buanergis ACB
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